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Into the Home Stretch

Had a break from getting ready for the March 10 opening of the ekphrasitc show "Evolution of Words & Art" that I'm managing at the Charlotte Art Leage (CAL) last night. My writing buddy, and former student Cole (Luther Kissam V) and I crushed it as the featured poets for Waterbean Poetry at the Mic. It was a lousy weather day, foggy, hard rain, and cold, but turnout was damn good anyway. (See the picture in the left column). 


I've been really humping it to get my own ekphrastic work together for the show I'm having as the "artist of the month" in the back gallery at CAL, running the same time as the big show up front. For some unknown reason, many months ago, running these concurrently seemed like a good idea? I'm concentrating this week on making sure all of the oil paintings I'll be using are done and have time to dry by the opening. Whew.  


So let this be a warning -- MARCH 10 -- be there! Charlotte Art League. 6-9:00 p.m. Two, count-em, two fantabulous ekphrastic exhibits. 

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