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The Great Pause

I've been reading articles and blog posts about writing in times of pandemic, isolation, quarantines. Some see this as a kind of writing freedom, space free from everyday tasks, and that's certainly true. The blankness of my calendar is welcome. How many times have I wished to shed responsibilities for being somewhere, at a meeting, in a classroom, at an event? Each of these things would have seemed fun or exciting when I made the plans. Then when the time to go, get ready, go out the door came, often I'd just wish I could stay home and read a book or sit on my ass. 


Well, I'm sitting on my ass now. And I must admit, yes, I DO like not having to be anywhere. In some ways, it's everything I every fantisized about or wished for or dreamed of. But. But. But. It's so blasted hard not to give yourself new jobs, tasks to be completed, reasons why you should be writing, thinking, painting, somehow taking advantage of this great pause. The more I try to focus, the harder it is to focus. It's some kind of perverse rule. The opposite of restful meditation. My mind wants to jump around and not settle.


The other articles I have been reading have been about not writing. Blogs with titles like "It's OK Not to Write." I want to embrace these sentiments, and feel OK about not doing something. Not doing anything. Because somehow when I let go of these virus-inspired obligations, then i actually really do feel like writing something, or painting something, putting things together, reviewing old drafts, compiling work. It feels like resting, and resting well, in this groove. Words pour through my fingers onto the keyboard and thoughts flow from my pen onto notebook pages. And paintings look like they might come together afterall.


I'm not going to count the days of the shelter-in-place orders. And I'm not going to force any productivity goals on myself either. I'm going to let these days flow the way they want. And if a day goes by and I don't do a damn thing, so what. :)




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End of the Semester and Triplets~!

Well, I've just submitted grades for the Fall 2019 semester of Intro to Creative Writing. I loved this class. I generally have students from across the university, many of whom take the class to satisfy their writing-intensive-outside-the-major requirement. Also, after leaving very white, and skewing older, Ashe County, my students are many colors and countries of origin, rural and city, you name it. They're computer science majors, and history majors, and yes a few English majors.


To add to the fun, I am the grandmother, as of September 18, of triplets!  Good thing the light rail stops at their house between home and the university. More on that to come. 


This semester, they wanted a photo on the last day. Good class. Next semester - two sections of the same. Psyched!


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Being Inspired

I'm back to school for the Fall semester. This is a tough one for many at UNC Charlotte. On the last day of the Spring semester, a shooting took place on our campus. Two students were murdered in their classroom; others were wounded. I had just gotten home from my last class when it all went down. 


We've got more police around these days. But on we go because that's what we all do. We go on. 


I'm teaching the same class this semester, my favorite, Introduction to Creative Writing. There's a ceiling of 25 students, and that's what I have. Because it's a designated "writing intenstive" class, many are enrolled because they need the course to graduate. I really like teaching this class. There are kids from across the disciplines, freshman to graduating seniors, and they are a rainbow of colors and enthnicities, and just plain delightful. 



And inspirational, too. They make me think of the damndest things.


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Saying Goodbye to "Things"

Part of moving is letting things go. We've done a pretty fair job of it. Of course it helps mightily that where we have ended up is so fantastic. I must note that saying goodbye to Santa was especially difficult. He is now "up north" in Michigan at my sister's house, along with the kayaks, and assorted other stuff they packed onto their Beverly Hillbillies truck this past weekend. He did wave goodbye. :)

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Moving is hell.

You probably knew this already. Moving is hell. Henry and I have done it many times over the years. We've been in West Jefferson, in the mountians of northwestern NC, full time for 13 years, pretty much a record for us. So, naturally we decided it was time to shake things up...not get stale...and to quit driving to Charlotte 2x a week to teach at UNC Charlotte.


We're kind of all-or-nothing guys. No subtle changes. We've gone from small mountain town little old bungalow to uptown Charlotte and have moved into a condo in the old Ivey's department store on Tryon Street. Ironically, I'm finding myself walking more here in the city -- just a few steps to grocery and drug stores, a skip over to the light rail, and only 4 blocks to the BALLPARK! In 3 short weeks, we're all moved in and I've been to the Charlotte Symphony and the Charlotte Knights already. Tomorrow night it's the Detroit's AAA Toledo Mudhens game. 


Well, I'm a little slow on the walking for now. One of the casualties of the monstrous moving process was the base of my little toe, which I broke on the leg of our bed...new place and all. I have this Frankenstein shoe thingy I'm about to jettison and all is healing fine. But damn. There's no way to move without some kind of something.


We also knew that Elizabeth, commonly known as daughter #2, who moved back to Charlotte from San Francisco last Fall, wanted to start a family with her husband Sean. So that was just one more reason to move back.  Boy, did that ever happen. She's now well into her 2nd trimester with triplets. I shit you not. Spontaneous, no family history, no ferlitiy stuff. So, good thing we're showing up now, right?


Class is about to wrap up for the semester at UNC Charlotte. April 30 is the last day. Then it'll be time to grade exams and turn in grades. In the Fall, I'll be once again teaching Baseball in Film, so I (and my students) will have that to look forward to over the summer.


Play Ball!



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Last days of class

I have to admit it. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester probably as much as my students are. It's always this way, I fear. One more week left of classes and it seems to have flown by. The inevitable  thought of "what did I leave out" and "why didn't I?" creep in. But, all in all, teaching classes about baseball literature, culture, and film has been an interesting experience. Who knew there was so much out there in academia connected to baseball anyway? 


I also have to admit I'm looking very much forward to the spring semester. I'll be teaching only one class, Introduction to Creative Writing, and I love doing this class. I'm really more of a coach than anything else, and I find it inspires my own writing as well. 


Hanukkah starts tonight. Wednesday night is my last class until January. Whew. s

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On the Same Page is an inspiring delight once again

From Tuesday afternoon to Saturday lunch, we had wonderful literary overload here in West Jefferson with mesmerizing author presentations and insightful and inspiring workshops. Also, lots of great stuff to steal for my classes and books to bring to other readers and writers galore.


This year, our 11th, was no different in that the week before I was questioning my sanity. It's a lot of work. And, I volunteered to do the wrap-up discussion for the Festival Read book. I had such angst. Stupid, of course. It went fine. Everyone said so. But you know that old saying about the "expert from afar" it really is true. 


It was a really great festival. We had stellar attendance at every single event, and plenty of new people, too. Even though hurricane Florence was barreling down on NC, our only cancellation was our big draw, Tracy K. Smith, the poet laureate of the United States. She was rightly worried about getting the hell outta here when she was finished with us. She'll come another time late, and we'll make a big deal out of her again!


Now, it's raining buckets. It started just about the time we finished up yesterday. Looks like it'll continue through the night. I'm reading an advance copy of one of our Festival author's new books while it's pounding our roof. Henry says a huge limb has come down off our giant poplar tree out back. Guess that's what I heard fall when I was taking my marathon bubble bath this afternoon...after my nap. 

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Park Road Books and the Charlotte Knights!

Look out Charlotte - here comes "The Love of Baseball" crew to make for an incredible weekend of baseball fun.


We'll be at Park Road Books at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 4. And when I say "we" I mean a bunch of us from the book!  Expect to see me, Henry Doss, Doug Butler, Nancy Gutierrez, Editor and Partner-in-Baseball-Crime Diana Nelson Jones, Caroline Kane Kenna, Rebecca Bratcher Laxton, Elizabeth Scott Leik, David Malehorn, Ellyn Ritterskamp, Victoria Stopp, and Stephen Ward.


Many of these wonderful contributors are coming from way out of town. So, give them some love and come on out.


THEN, if that wasn't enough fun, we'll all be at Charlotte Knights Park for a before-game book signing at 4:00 p.m.  Game starts at 5:05.  This August Sunday is Women in Baseball Day at Knights Park, so you couldn't ask for a better game to come on out to. 


See you in Charlotte in August.

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Come out and see Love of Baseball gang!

Reading/Book Signing in Cornelius


Come to The Warehouse Performing Arts Center in Cornelius on Thursday, April 12, at 7 p.m. for "Play Ball," a reading & book signing for Love of Baseball Essays by Lifelong Fans, edited by Chris Arvidson and Diane Nelson Jones. Published by McFarland and Company in 2017, the book includes 30 essays from fans across the country.


Charlotte Writers' Club North is pleased to sponsor this event featuring Charlotte area contributors: Stephen Ward, Ellyn Ritterskamp, Rebecca Laxton, Caroline Kane Kenna, Henry Doss and editor Chris Arvidson. Written and edited by baseball fans, the collection follows the arc of a season from spring training when every team has the potential to be a winner, through the guts and grind of the regular season and the crowning of the World Series champion.


Join us as we celebrate America's pastime. Wear your favorite teams' colors, show your team spirit. There will be popcorn, peanuts and Crackerjacks and stories that take you to the ballpark.

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It's That Time!

Tomorrow, pitchers and catchers report to Lakeland, FL. It's Spring Training time everyone. Today I hung my new Tiger flag out on the porch. My flag of the last three years was wonderful, it had the old Tiger logo on it, but sadly it's original beautiful orange color has faded badly. I just couldn't have a pastel Tiger flag hanging outside my door. It simply would not be right. The new flag is a giant Tiger "D" on a navy blue field, with a bright orange border. It's pretty spiff.


We bought the old flag from a shop on Brush Street in Detroit, after having seen it in the window on the way over to the ballpark one night. After the game, we stopped in and snatched it up. I'm thinking about what I can make out of it, and the one it replaced, too. Some kind of outdoor cushion perhaps? I'll come up with something.


It's also time for ramping up promotions for the baseball book. Last week I spoke to the High Country Writers group over in Boone. It was great fun. I wore my new Tiger "D" shoes, and sold a few books, too. Next week I'll be meeting up with contributor Caroline Kane Kenna in Charlotte to go over the April event we're planning for the Charlotte Writers Club North. And there's more to come.


So, it's OK to start dreaming about the green, green ball fields now my friends. Tomorrow pitchers and catchers report.

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