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Thank You Olivet!

So much fun this past weekend. I went to homecoming for my undergraduate college, Olivet, in Olivet, Michigan. Wonderful seeing friends from, gulp, 40 years ago. And they sure supported me -- buying 25 books. We also had a wonderful lunch and the chance to sing with old classmates. I'm not the pro that these folks were, so it was a pleasure to sing with such wonderful voices. Truly. We had the audience with the selections anyway, but when we got to the Olivet Hymn, I saw some teary faces out there. Fun after the football game included the Kathy Ford Band, a sorority sister who knows every 70s rock tune that we all listened to at the bar.

Speaking of "the bar," our old haunt, Garfield Lake Tavern, is sadly a "KEEP OUT" wreck. That more than anything made me feel a bit old. But, truly, my friends all looked fantastic and I think we've aged very well indeed.

So, thanks Olivet and all the great Olivet folks who forked over their bucks for books. You are the best!
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